Meridiana is an Italian airline company with entirely deprived capital and whose
seat is located at Olbia.
The company was founded on March 29th, 1963 under the name of Alisarda, by the Prince Karīm al-Hussayn Aga Khan, in the intention to promote tourism in Sardinia. The first lines opened in 1964.
On May 3rd, 1991, the company changed name to take that of Meridiana.
Meridiana fly, second airline company in Italy, was born at the end of February 2010 from fusion between two air transports: Eurofly, company specialized in the flights charter long-distance
carriers towards sites of vacancies and Meridiana, civil carrier having a domestic network and European articulated having for principal function to connect the principal Italian airports to the
two large islands of the Peninsula - Sardinia and Sicily.
115, Rue Carnot x Jean Jaurès Dakar
Tel +(221) 33 889 77 61 / Fax +(221) 33 821 44 00
BP 21 466 Dakar Ponty
La nouvelle marque a été lancée le 19 février. Air Italy vise 10 millions de passagers d'ici quatre ans.
Meridiana n'est plus. Vive "Air Italy" ! Dans le cadre du redéveloppement de la compagnie italienne qui a suivi la prise de participation de Qatar Airways de 49% dans son capital en 2016, Meridiana renaît donc sous un nouveau nom.