iRis - GSA SENEGAL launched its business activities at the end of March 2013.
The Project proponents have built up decades of practical experience in the air transport industry, tourism, charter airlines and package tours. Such experience is key to offering consulting quality services that meet our clients' needs as well in terms of market representation, assistance and supervision of reliable flights that match your requirements and exceeding our clients' expectations in terms of added value.
iRis - GSA SENEGAL has been the general agent for Air Cote d'Ivoire company in Senegal since April 1st, 2013 and Meridiana since May 1st, 2014.
Air Cote d'Ivoire is an Ivorian registered Airline Company whose vision is to become the leading airline company providing best
quality services to passengers, set at attractive prices by using the industry best operational and security standards.
With one flight per day from Dakar, the company has an excellent price-quality ratio for its passengers, using an Airbus fleet A319 with two-class configuration so as to
meet all the market requirements.
The company will focus its operations on a Hub structure, the first of its kind in West Africa.
Such organization is a powerful revenue maximization tool, and thus a key element to profitability and company success.
Abidjan, heart of the system will provide the passengers with a high network quality service through the interesting frequencies available.
115, Rue Carnot x Jean Jaurès Dakar
Tel +(221) 33 889 77 61 / Fax +(221) 33 821 44 00
BP 21 466 Dakar Ponty
La nouvelle marque a été lancée le 19 février. Air Italy vise 10 millions de passagers d'ici quatre ans.
Meridiana n'est plus. Vive "Air Italy" ! Dans le cadre du redéveloppement de la compagnie italienne qui a suivi la prise de participation de Qatar Airways de 49% dans son capital en 2016, Meridiana renaît donc sous un nouveau nom.