In 2014, iRiS GSA SENEGAL in partnership with
WORLD WILD Charter Groupe, had ensured the transport of Nigerian supporters to Sao Polo.
Worldwide Charter Group began laying the ground work for our 2018 Russia World Cup operations nearly two years in advance. This is going to be the largest sporting event in our 20 year history! In partnership with our countless airline partners we are proud to offer an extensive inventory of wide body aircraft available for intercontinental charter flights, alongside a diverse array of narrow body options for short-range and domestic trips. As always, Worldwide will offer clients 24/7 support at all departure and arrival points, with site representation teams on location days in advance to confirm all logistics are in place.
We oversee and monitor every detail from start to finish, including:
⚽ Ferry Flights
⚽ Amenity Kits
⚽ Landing Permits
⚽ Slot Confirmations
⚽ Ground Handling
⚽ Counters & Ticketing
⚽ Baggage Tagging & Loading
⚽ Fueling
⚽ Overflight Filings
⚽ Crew Coordination
⚽ Customized Catering
⚽ Decals & Interior Branding
⚽ Manifest Filings
⚽ Customs & Immigration
Worldwide prides itself on its vast network of aircraft and airlines, sourced from every corner of the globe. If you have a specific model or series in mind, we know where to find it! Our exceptional team works in tandem with airlines, tour operations and airports on all continents - we can get you anywhere…from the smallest regional airport to the major international hubs.
115, Rue Carnot x Jean Jaurès Dakar
Tel +(221) 33 889 77 61 / Fax +(221) 33 821 44 00
BP 21 466 Dakar Ponty
La nouvelle marque a été lancée le 19 février. Air Italy vise 10 millions de passagers d'ici quatre ans.
Meridiana n'est plus. Vive "Air Italy" ! Dans le cadre du redéveloppement de la compagnie italienne qui a suivi la prise de participation de Qatar Airways de 49% dans son capital en 2016, Meridiana renaît donc sous un nouveau nom.